沼澤女孩 Where the Crawdads Sing MAR.3,2022/Enjoy Editors A story about fishing, growing up. and murder You've probably never heard of crawdads, but you may love lobster. In fact, they are very similar. Crawdads look like lobsters, but are found in fresh water. To be where the crawdads sing is to be alone in nature. The same can be said for the main character in Delia Owen's novel, Where the Crawdads Sing . The novel follows Kya, a young woman trying to survive in the marsh of Barkley Cove, a small, fictional town in the US state of North Carolina. 一個揉合了捕魚、成長以及謀殺案的故事 或許你從來沒有聽說過「螯蝦」,但你可能相當喜愛龍蝦。事實上,兩者十分相似。螯蝦形似龍蝦,但牠們生活在淡水裡。身處於螯蝦吟唱的地方,意思就是孑然一身處在大自然中。迪莉婭.歐文斯的小說《沼澤女孩》中的主角正是如此。這部小說敘述一位名為奇雅的年輕女子,在美國北卡羅萊納州的虛構小鎮巴克利海灣的沼澤中,掙扎生存的故事。... - crawdad n. 螯蝦,淡水龍蝦
- hear of sb/sth 聽過某人/某事
- survive vi. 存活 & vt. 熬過;從...生還