2016年10月6日 星期四

Migrants’ Saviors, Now Suffering Crisis’ Aftermath 難民潮退去 希臘小島日子難過

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2016/10/07 第143期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Migrants' Saviors, Now Suffering Crisis' Aftermath 難民潮退去 希臘小島日子難過
Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley矽谷心臟地帶 手機沒訊號
Migrants' Saviors, Now Suffering Crisis' Aftermath 難民潮退去 希臘小島日子難過
文/Liz Alderman
Stratis Valamios revved the motor on his small white boat and steered under a thumbnail moon out of the harbor of this fishing village, perched on the northern tip of Lesbos, Greece's third-largest island.

Skies were clear enough to see the purple mountains of Turkey a short distance across the Aegean Sea. It would be easy on this tranquil evening to catch calamari. These days, he needed a good haul to make ends meet.



A year ago, he and other fishermen in the tiny village, Skala Sikaminias, were making a more unusual catch: thousands of sea-drenched asylum seekers who streamed across the Aegean to escape conflict and poverty in the Middle East and Africa. As one of the landfalls in Greece that is closest to Turkey, Skala Sikaminias, with its 100 residents, fast became ground zero for the crisis, the first stop in Europe for people trying to reach Germany in a desperate bid to start a new life.

"I'd be in the middle of the sea and I would see 50 boats zigzagging toward me," Valamios said, gazing across the narrow channel. "I would speed toward them, and they would throw their children into my boat to be saved."



Today the refugees have mostly stopped coming. The coastline, once littered with orange life vests and wrecked boats, has been cleaned to a near-spotless white. But the human drama has left an imprint here, and across all of Lesbos, in ways that have only begun to play out.

The village is nearly empty of tourists this year as Germans, Swedes and other visitors who had long flocked to the crystalline waters of Lesbos choose to vacation elsewhere, wary of spending their holidays in a place now associated with human desperation. Business at the island's hotels and tavernas has slumped about 80 percent, especially along the 7.5-mile stretch between Skala Sikaminias and the vacation town of Molyvos, where many of the more than 800,000 refugees who survived the crossing last year washed ashore.



Valamios used to supplement his income as a fisherman by working five months of the year at Myrivilis' Mulberry taverna, facing the bucolic port where fishermen mend yellow nets beneath oleanders and village cats prowl for fish. This year, he was asked to work just one month amid a dearth of customers. Nearly 1,000 Greeks in the area have lost seasonal employment.



Spotty Reception in the Heart of Silicon Valley矽谷心臟地帶 手機沒訊號
文/Thomas Fuller聯合新聞網
My phone connection kept dropping out, which didn't make sense because I was in the heart of Silicon Valley.

It turns out that poor cellphone reception has been a problem for years in downtown Palo Alto, which has a relationship with technology that is decidedly mixed.



Here in the city where Facebook and Google grew into the world famous companies they are today, many homeowners passionately oppose new cell towers in their upscale neighborhoods, complicating connections.

Palo Alto residents also gripe about traffic. But overall the city has problems the rest of the country would love to have. Startup technology companies are clamoring for the prestige of a Palo Alto address. The vibrancy of Stanford University keeps the city young and humming.



In an election year, with nearly constant squawking from presidential candidates about well-paying jobs, the mayor of Palo Alto has an unusual message for some of the cash-flush tech companies based here: Go away. Please.

"Big tech companies are choking off the downtown," Mayor Patrick Burt said. "It's not healthy."



As one walks down the sidewalks in residential areas, shaded by mature trees and basking in the city's sunny, mild weather, it's not too hard to understand why homeowners are trying to keep Palo Alto small despite its reputation for giving birth to the world's next big thing.

Last year, the city of 66,000 people set a cap of less than 1 percent a year on the growth of office space in most of its parts. In the charming downtown, where battalions of tech workers from companies like Amazon stroll the streets, their eyes often glued to their smartphones, the mayor is looking to enforce, in some form, an all-but-forgotten zoning regulation that bans companies whose primary business is research and development, including software coding. (To repeat: The mayor is considering enforcing a ban on coding at ground zero of Silicon Valley.)



"This is crazy," said Kate Vershov Downing, a lawyer who lit up the internet this month when she announced that she was quitting the city's planning commission because she was moving someplace cheaper. "This is Silicon Valley. We've been writing code here for decades."




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