2016年10月6日 星期四

台灣地方節慶 Local Festivals

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2016/10/07 第325期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 寂天講堂
【英語學習Plus】 台灣地方節慶
【本月發燒書】 Enjoy Your Trip! 專業觀光英語 【二版】
【好康情報局】 寂天多益書展
單書79折 套書75折!

【口語會話 Follow me】

Mr. Picky 龜毛先生

A:I’d love to join you for dinner, but I can’t eat fish or pork. And no chicken either. I just can’t stand the taste of it.
B:All right, Mr. Picky. We’ll try to find something that you can eat.


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台灣地方節慶 Local Festivals

In addition to traditional festivals such as Chinese New Year and the Lantern Festival, there are many indigenous and modern cultural festivals held in Taiwan. Special industries, such as wood carving, have started to gain in popularity due to government promotion. Examples of industry-related events include the Sanyi Wood Carving Festival 三義木雕藝術節 and the Hsinchu City International Glass Art Festival.

Modern cultural festivals in Taiwan are quite varied. The Taiwan International Festival of Art and Spring Scream are very representative of this category. The Taiwan International Festival of Art began in 2009. It invites top performers, producers, actors, and composers from Taiwan and around the world to present dance, music, and drama performances. The festival takes place at the National Theater and National Concert Hall in Taipei. It usually lasts for one and a half months.

Spring Scream is held in Kenting every April. It was begun in 1995 by two Americans living in Taiwan and is now the largest music festival in Taiwan. Hundreds of performing groups and artists gather in southern Taiwan to show their passion and talent for music. There are also stalls selling arts and crafts, clothes, and food. It’s one of the most exciting festivals in Taiwan.

If you are traveling through an area where there are indigenous communities, such as the east coast, you may be lucky enough to see an indigenous ceremony. Harvest festivals are particularly important among the indigenous tribes as they express the tribe’s gratitude to the ancestral spirits and tribal deities for giving them food. The Amis, Rukai, and Paiwan tribes all celebrate this traditional festival. Singing and dancing are essential parts of the festival. However, the Harvest Festival isn’t just about being grateful for food. It is also a time to unite the tribal members and sometimes to carry out coming-of-age rites.


台灣的當代文化活動很多元,台灣國際藝術節和春吶是這類活動的代表。台灣國際藝術節開始於2009 年,邀來台灣及全球頂尖的表演者、製作人、演員和作曲家,演出舞蹈、音樂和戲劇。藝術節在台北的國家戲劇院和國家音樂廳進行,通常為期一個半個月。

春吶每年4 月在墾丁舉行,最早是由兩位住在台灣的美國人於1995 年首次舉辦,現在已是台灣最大型的音樂節。數百個表演團體和表演者聚集在南台灣,展現他們對音樂的熱情與才華,另有小販兜售手工藝品、衣服和小吃。這是台灣最令人興奮的活動之一。


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Enjoy Your Trip! 專業觀光英語 【二版】
彩圖實境旅遊英語:會話模擬練功 說英語Fun遊台灣 超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】
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