2016年9月8日 星期四


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2016/09/09 第320期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  寂天閱讀網
【編輯小語】 口語會話 Follow me
【英語學習Plus】 中餐廳點餐注意事項
【本月發燒書】 國際專業餐飲英語【增訂二版】
【好康情報局】 2016大開學書展
口語會話 Follow me

How do you do? 您好!
A:Hello, my name is Jenny.
B:How do you do, Jenny? I'm Ryan.

<< 節錄 OMG! 超好用生活英語萬用句 >>

The following are four important points to remember when working with Chinese menus. First, when seating the guest, offer to get the guest something to drink while he or she looks at the menu.

It is also a good idea to have a few Chinese desserts listed at the end of the menu because many Westerners have a sweet tooth and like to finish their lunch or dinner with something sweet.

Keep in mind that many foreigners know little about Chinese cuisine; however, the manner in which Chinese menus are written makes a waiter’s job much easier. For one thing, a Chinese menu is usually numbered. If you do not understand what the guest’s order is, you can always ask, “Which number, sir/ma’am?”

What is also good is that Chinese menus are very explicit as to the type of dish and the ingredients. If the dish is braised duck with sea cucumber, for example, no explanation will be needed, unless the guest does not know what a sea cucumber is. In other words, most Chinese dishes need little or no explanation; however, a few do have fanciful names.




還有一個優點是中式菜單往往清楚地列出每一道菜的種類和食材,例如菜單會寫braised duck with sea cucumber(海參燉鴨),如此就不需要解釋菜的內容,除非客人不知道海參是什麼。換句話說,大多數的中國菜幾乎都不需要對客人多作解釋,只有少數的菜名較為奇特,需要對客人說明。

<< 本篇選自 國際專業餐飲英語【餐廳篇】 >>
國際化的餐飲飯店業,熟悉餐飲專業英語會話是必備語言溝通技能,更是前往各國知名餐館、飯店服務時,左右生涯發展的一大關鍵。《國際餐飲專業英語》便是專為觀光科系學生、飯店餐飲相關產業、導遊領隊,以及愛好旅遊人士所編寫的一本專業餐飲英語。 ....詳全文
超簡單手繪旅遊英語【二版】 食尚英語:聚會節慶餐飲英語 國際專業飯店餐飲英語套書(3書+3MP3)
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