Located in the northern basin of Taipei, Yangmingshan National Park lies in the Shilin and Beitou districts and spreads into the townships of Tamsui, Sanzhi, Ximen, Jinshan, and Wanli to make up a total area of 11,338 sq. hectares. Its elevation ranges between 200 and 1,120 meters. Yangmingshan National Park is located in the north of Beitou District. It belongs to the area of Datun Mountain. It was once called Grass Mountain due to the whole area being covered with nothing but merely grass. It was renamed Yangmingshan National Park in 1950. As soon as you enter the gates of the park, the impressive sight of a huge fountain surrounded by colorful flowers will catch your eye. The blossom season takes place in February and March. During this time, vast numbers of tourists are drawn by the colorful trees in blossom. A traffic restriction law is enforced to limit the number of cars on the mountain to a safe number. The main road to Yangmingshan isn’t very wide, so traffic jams are a problem during the blossom season. A more convenient mode of transportation is the Blossom Buses, which is a service provided by Yangmingshan National Park to the public. 陽明山國家公園位在台北盆地的北邊, 面積約11,338 公頃。範圍廣達士林區、北投部分地區,遍及淡水、三芝、石門、金山、萬里等地。海拔高度從200 公尺至1,120 公尺。 陽明公園位於北投區的北側,屬於大屯火山群區。因遍地茅草,早期被稱為草山,1950 年以後才改名為陽明山。進入公園大門首先映入眼簾的,是一座大型噴水池,環繞著池子的是五彩繽紛的花台,十分搶眼。 每年二、三月為陽明山花季,滿山的花朵繽紛盛開,吸引大量遊客上山賞花。因此這段期間上山會有交通管制,以控制車流量。通往陽明山的路並不寬,每逢花季必定塞車,因此陽明山國家公園規劃方便的花季公車,供上山賞花的民眾搭乘。 |