2023年1月9日 星期一

see eye to eye不是互看啦,10個會議討論時一定要知道的英文說法

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2023/01/10 第593期 | 訂閱/退訂 | 看歷史報份

see eye to eye不是互看啦,10個會議討論時一定要知道的英文說法
JAN 3,2023/Jerry Chang

see eye to eye不是互看啦,10個會議討論時一定要知道的英文說法



研究說:開燈睡覺傷身體 Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sleep
JAN 03,2022/Analytical Editors

研究說:開燈睡覺傷身體 Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sleep

  A lot of focus has been directed at the importance of getting around eight hours of sufficient sleep per night for the average person, though young children need more and the elderly generally require less. Another aspect—one that receives less attention from the public—is the quality of one's sleep and the impact that it has on physical health. A recent study by researchers at the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University in the United States has cast some light on this issue... .

  許多關注都導向一般人每晚要獲取約八小時充足睡眠的重要性,儘管幼童需要的睡眠更多,長輩則通常需要較少睡眠。另一個面向 ── 大眾不太注重的方面 ── 是睡眠品質及其對身體健康的影響。美國西北大學晝夜節律暨睡眠醫學中心的研究人員最近的一項研究讓人們對這個議題有所了解...

  • be directed at...    (注意力、情緒等)指向…
  • sufficient   a. 足夠的
  • impact   n. 影響(常與介詞 on 連用,後接受影響的對象)


日本成人式一探究竟 Coming-of-Age Day in Japan
JAN 09,2022/Enjoy Editors

日本成人式一探究竟 Coming-of-Age Day in Japan

Becoming an adult in Japan
  Many cultures celebrate the change from childhood to adulthood. In Japan, this special occasion is celebrated on Coming-of-Age Day. Known in Japanese as Seijin no Hi, it is celebrated for everyone who had or will have their 20th birthday between April 2 of the previous year and April 1 of the current year. Coming-of-Age Day was once held on January 15. However, starting in the year 2000, the holiday was moved to the second Monday of January. This made it easier for people to celebrate the special day as part of a long weekend...

  許多文化慶祝從童年到成年的轉變。在日本,這個特殊的場合是在成人式慶祝的。在日語中被稱為 Seijin no Hi,它是為每個在前一年的四月二日和今年四月一日之間已經或將要過二十歲生日的人慶祝的。成人式曾經在一月十五日舉辦。然而,從 2000 年開始,這個節日被移到了一月的第二個星期一。作為長週末的一部分使人們更容易慶祝這個特殊的日子...

  • childhood   n. 童年(時期)
  • adulthood   n. 成年(時期)
  • previous    a. 以前的,先前的


>Ivy Engrest 【常春藤數位訂閱制】,你最佳的學習夥伴! 想提升自己英文能力卻不知道怎麼開始嗎? 用興趣學英文,就算只想學一點點,也不錯過你真正感興趣的內容,馬上免費體驗去Go!!

>【電子報的內容你有學會了嗎?】現在上 一對一線上家教,贈送當期雜誌,可任意挑選喜歡的文章,每週1-2堂課,連續4週保證讓你更愛開口說英語!!

客戶希望你能夠 deliver the goods 不是要你親自送貨!
正值旺季大促銷,Jenny在百貨業,公司非常忙碌。外籍老闆問她:Do you really think our team can deliver the goods?她覺得老闆很怪,為什麼問送貨的問題?難不成大家要自己送貨嗎?別搞錯了,deliver the goods 不是親自送貨。


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