葛萊美獎:音樂人的盛典 The Grammys: Music Lovers' Festival MAY 04,2022/Analytical Editors
The idea for the Grammys first came about in the 1950s. People in the recording industry were concerned that musicians, singers, and songwriters were not getting the same recognition as people working in film and television. The movie industry, for example, had been awarding Oscars since 1929, and the television industry handed out the first Emmy in 1949. As the idea for an awards ceremony celebrating music became more popular, influential people in the industry began considering a catchy name to rival the Oscars and Emmys... 葛萊美獎的想法最早出現於 1950 年代。唱片業人士擔心音樂家、歌手和詞曲創作者沒有像從事電影和電視工作的人那樣得到認可。例如,電影業從 1929 年就一直在頒發奧斯卡獎,而電視業在 1949 年頒發了第一座艾美獎。隨著慶祝音樂的一個頒獎典禮的想法變得越來越普遍,業內有影響力的人開始考慮一個動聽又好記的名字,可與奧斯卡獎和艾美獎相媲美... - come about 發生
- recognition n. 承認,認可
- influential a. 有影響力的