2020年7月20日 星期一

Snapchat Cameo 來用 Snapchat 玩「變臉」!

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2020/07/14 第459期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Snapchat Cameo 來用 Snapchat 玩「變臉」!
Now you can star in your favorite viral videos.


  The popular app Snapchat has a new feature that makes private messaging more fun than ever. The Snapchat Cameo feature allows users to edit their faces into video clips and share them with their friends. All you need to do is take a simple selfie, select a cameo clip, and then your face will be automatically imposed over the character in the video. Cameo also allows two friends to create clips together in videos featuring two characters.
  Snapchat is a favorite messaging app for young people because of its unique stickers and filters. People have grown used to taking photos with cartoon accessories and animal faces. Now with the cameo feature, you can be the star of your favorite viral video clip and show your friends how you would look in the shoes of your favorite celebrity. Some examples of cameo clips that are available include parts of popular music videos, funny pet clips, and scenes from animated shows.
  There are already over 100 cameos to choose from. Check out Snapchat Cameo to see yourself as the star of your favorite video clip.


1. viral a.(網路用語)爆紅的;病毒的
 go viral(在網路上)爆紅,像病毒般瘋狂流傳
That video of the cat driving the car went viral soon after it was posted.
2. feature n. 功能;特色 & vt. 由……演出;以……為特色
Teamwork is a key feature of the training program.
Our radio program features many helpful hints on how to improve your English.
3. automatically adv. 自動地
The car automatically brakes when it senses that the front vehicle is too near.
4. impose vt. 把……強加於
Parents should not impose their religious or political beliefs on their children.
5. in the shoes of sb  站在某人的立場
 = in sb’s shoes
That job offer is a great opportunity. If I were in your shoes, I would take it.
6. available a. 可使用的;可取得的
The latest issue of the magazine is available in bookstores now.

cameo n. 客串演出
accessory n. 配件,飾品(常用複數)

來用 Snapchat 玩「變臉」!

  熱門應用程式 Snapchat 有個讓發送私人訊息變得比以往更加有趣的最新功能。Snapchat Cameo 這個新功能能讓使用者把自己的臉剪接到影片裡和朋友分享。你只需要簡單拍張自拍、再選擇變臉短片,你的臉就會自動套用到影片中的人物上。Cameo 也可以讓兩個朋友利用主角有兩人的變臉視頻來一起拍片。
  Snapchat 因其獨特的貼圖和濾鏡而成為年輕人最喜愛的通訊應用程式之一。大家已經習慣使用卡通配件和動物面孔來拍照。現在有了變臉功能,你可以成為你最喜歡的網路爆紅短片的主角,還可以秀給你的朋友看你若成為你最喜愛的明星會是什麼模樣。可以使用的一些變臉短片範例包括流行歌曲 MV 的部分片段、趣味的寵物短片,以及動畫節目的某些場景。
  現在已經有一百多部變臉短片可供選擇。大家不妨試試 SnapchatCameo,體驗變身成為你最喜愛的網路短片的主角。





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