簡介:◎ 什麼是 lay the foundation(s) for? ◎ assume 的常見意思 ◎「交棒」的英語怎麼說? Morris Chang: A Titan of the Semiconductor Industry Born in wartime China, Morris Chang went on to study in the United States in 1949. It was there that the foundations were laid for his extraordinary journey in the computer chip business. During his time in the U.S., he became a well-known figure, serving in key positions at both Texas Instruments and General Instrument. However, as successful as he was there, in the eyes of many, this period only served as a prelude to his even more illustrious career in Taiwan. 張忠謀:半導體教父 傳奇不落幕 出生於戰時的中國,張忠謀在 1949 年赴美留學。就是在那裡,他為自己在電腦晶片事業的非凡旅程奠定了基礎。赴美期間,張忠謀成為響噹噹的人物,在德州儀器和通用器材都擔任要職。然而,儘管他在那裡很成功,在許多人眼中,這段時期只是他在台灣成就更大事業的序曲。 |