2016年10月11日 星期二

Undercover Angel 臥底天使

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2016/10/11 第269期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Undercover Angel  臥底天使
The rich and famous lend a helping hand to those in need.


  Imagine what would happen if a billionaire from Boston is left in a distant, poor Ugandan village with no running water or bathroom. Surprisingly, he gets to work and uses his problem-solving skills and money to improve the lives of the poor villagers.
  National Geographic Channel's (NGC) Undercover Angel is a ten-part special that follows some of the world's richest people as they go undercover and exchange their mansions for huts. This groundbreaking show has the wealthy coming face to face with the realities of poverty.
  The "Angels" come from Australia, South Africa, the UK, and other First World countries. The fancy life they are used to is taken away, and they are thrown into some of the poorest places on the planet, such as Cambodia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. Rather than handing over large amounts of cash, they use their know-how and business backgrounds to create long-term changes. These efforts greatly improve the communities they visit. The angels start projects that provide clean water, learning centers, and much more. To find out more about the challenges they face, check out the touching Undercover Angel this month on NGC.



  1. surprisingly adv. 出人意料地
    Surprisingly, Dad came home from work at noon today.
  2. exchange A for B  用 A 換 B
    exchange vt. 交換;互換
    Where can I exchange US dollars for Euros?
  3. reality n. 現實,真實
    Some people can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality.
  4. poverty n. 貧窮,貧困
    The number of families living in poverty has been on the rise in recent years.
  5. be / get used to (V-ing) sth  習慣於(做)某事
    Emma is used to taking a nap after lunch.
  6. hand over... / hand...over  交出……
    If the bank robber doesn't hand his gun over, the police will start shooting.
  7. long-term a. 長期的
    Kevin's long-term plan is to live and work abroad.
  8. touching a. 感人的
    The touching story moved everyone to tears.

undercover a. 臥底的,暗中進行的
billionaire n. 億萬富翁
mansion n. 豪宅
hut n. 小屋,棚屋,茅舍
groundbreaking a. 開創性的
know-how n. 經驗,技巧
community n. 社區;群體

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