2016年4月18日 星期一


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2016/04/18 第182期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份



(A) 自尊
(B) 部屬
(C) 謬論

1. Solid goal, practical expectation 目標要可靠,期望要實際
Before setting a goal for your team, imagine what it'd be like if you're going to do it all by yourself. Is it going to be hard or is it going to be easy? After understanding your goals thoroughly, you can have a more practical expectation. Remember 1) under promise and over deliver always leads to better results.

2. Build trust within your team  建立團隊互信
Integration within a team always depends on trust. Transparent and honest communication will not only benefit the team's efficiency but also the corporate culture.

3. Solution is the point 解決導向
When encountering a problem, or when team members make mistakes, remember not to focus on the problem itself but the solution to the issue. This is how employees learn to solve things themselves.

4. Build (A) self-esteem for (B) inferiors 創造部屬的自信心
Pay attention to how you make others feel. A MVP in your team will never be just obedient, but will be confident and understand his or her own value.

5. A good leader is not an autocrat 好的領導人不獨裁
Being a competent leader doesn't mean you are going to 2) throw your weight around. Finding a balance between being firm and being reasonable is a lesson that every leader should learn.

6. Appreciation is important. 懂得賞識很重要
Direct and plain feedbacks are necessary, So is appreciation. Encourage the positive cycle by telling the employee exactly what he did well.

7. Leaders need to serve others 領導人也須「服務他人」
There is a (C) fallacy that the leader' job is to command. Actually, a leader's main mission is to “serve”. Offer the necessary information and give your team a hand when they are need it;  that's how you make the team willing to support you in the same way.

1. Under promise and over deliver 不過度承諾,表現超乎期待
Remember the principle of under promise and over deliver, never make a promise that you cannot fulfill. 謹記凡事要留有餘地,別做出自己無法履行的承諾。
和這句話相反的是Over promise and under deliver,承諾過高卻又無法實際做到。

2. Throw one's weight around 逞威風
He is a bossy person who's always throwing his weight around. 他是一個老愛對人頤指氣使的霸道傢伙。


  1. My schedule is very tight today. 我今天的行程很緊湊。
  2. Another phone is ringing. I have to go now. 另一支電話在響,我得掛了。
  3. Henry is not working today. How may I help you? 亨利今天休假,我可以幫你什麼嗎?
  4. The manager has to burn the midnight oil to prepare this presentation. 經理必須熬夜準備簡報。
  5. I’m leaving now. I have to go to see a dentist. 我要走了,我得去看牙醫。


  1. I have a full schedule today. 依照中文直譯,你很容易脫口而出my schedule is very tight這樣的話,但老外會說的是「行程很滿」(I have a full schedule)。
  2. I have another call. I have to go now. another phone is ringing是中文直譯的結果,老外通常說I have another call或someone is calling on the other line。
  3. Henry is off today. How may I help you? off當形容詞的其中一個解釋就是「休假的、不上班的」,所以老外經常用I am off直截了當地表示在休假。
  4. The manager has to pull an all-nighter to prepare this presentation. 年輕一代的美國人已不太使用burn the midnight oil這個片語來表示「熬夜」,多半用簡單的stay up late或pull an all-nighter。
  5. I’m leaving now. I have a dental appointment. 中文用「去看醫生」表示去醫院就診,但直譯成go to see a doctor不僅累贅,老外也不會這麼說。一般說法是go to a doctor或have a doctor’s appointment。

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