2018年11月12日 星期一

KaDeTe: The Supermarket for Start-ups  大開眼界!最新最炫都在這!

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2018/11/09 第375期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

KaDeTe: The Supermarket for Start-ups 大開眼界!最新最炫都在這!
This is where to go for the newest, hippest foods in the world—and the rest of the groceries, too.
這裡是你能找到世上最新、最炫食物的地方 —— 還有其他的食品雜貨。



   It can be challenging to get a new company started, especially in the food industry. Starting a new drink or food brand has been very expensive. How do companies get new products to the public without spending a fortune on marketing and testing? To serve the public and business people with new ideas, a supermarket called KaDeTe only sells new products from food start-ups.
   The name of the store comes from Kaufhaus des Testens (testing store in German), and it is more than just a place to sell new products. It also gives small business owners a chance to test their products, packaging, and marketing with actual customers to make their products even better. Customers get access to new products, while brands that are trying to get their foot in the door receive customer feedback. It’s a win-win! The first KaDeTe opened its doors in Berlin in March 2018, with more than 200 new brands signing up at launch time. Before long, you might see amazing new products hit the world market that started out by testing the waters at KaDeTe.













   要開創一家新公司可能會很有挑戰性,尤其在食品業。開發新款飲料或食物一向所費不貲。公司要如何不在營銷和測試產品上花費大筆資金就能讓社會大眾接觸到新產品呢?為了提供新點子給社會大眾和商人,一家叫做 KaDeTe 的超市只賣新創食品公司的新產品。
  這家超市的名字來自 Kaufhaus des Testens(德文意思為「測試商店」),它不只是一家賣新產品的店。它也提供小規模企業主一個機會和實際顧客一起測試他們的產品、包裝及營銷來讓產品更好。顧客可以買到新產品,而試著想打入市場的品牌則會收到顧客的回饋意見。這是雙贏!第一家 KaDeTe 超市於 2018 年三月在柏林開始營運,在開幕時就有兩百多個新商標登記註冊。不久,你可能就會看到許多在 KaDeTe 超市投石問路後的新奇產品打入全球市場。


1. challenging a. 有挑戰性的
Megan enjoys challenging tasks because she likes pushing herself to the limit.

2. especially adv. 特別地,尤其
Rick likes all kinds of music, especially jazz.

3. industry n. 產業,行業;工業
This movie is about a woman who struggles to make it in the music industry.

4. spend a fortune  花大錢
fortune n. 財富(可數);幸運(不可數)
Ben spent a fortune on the design of his house.

5. actual a. 實際的,真實的
This story is based on actual events.

6. customer n. 顧客
An angry customer is arguing with the clerk.

7. sign up (for... / to V)  註冊/報名登記(……)
Would you like to sign up to become a member?

8. test the water(s)  試探(人們對某事的意見),試水溫
We should test the waters before we start selling our new product.


start-up n.(尤指從事電腦或網路的小型)新興企業
hip a. 流行的;時髦的(非正式用法)
feedback n. 回饋意見


本文中的慣用語 get sb's foot in the door 字面上的意思是「某人先把一隻腳伸到門裡」,所以引申為「初步進入(企業或組織);邁出成功的第一步;獲得工作機會」,又可表「引薦某人」。據說這個慣用語的典故跟推銷員有關。在電腦和資訊時代以前,美國公司常僱用推銷員挨家挨戶地兜售產品。住家的主人一般都不會請推銷員進屋,所以他們首先要做到的就是「把一隻腳伸進門裡」(get their foot in the door),這樣主人就關不了門了。例:

It is difficult to get my foot in the door at that company.

A: After college, I want to work at a publishing company.
B: Maybe Jim can help you get your foot in the door. His father is the owner of a publishing company.
(甲: 大學畢業後,我想要在出版社工作。)
(乙: 也許吉姆可以幫你引薦。他老爸是一家出版社的老闆。)





「在科技業加班是常態,工時長得令人筋疲力竭,回到家常常已是晚上 10 點,只能在睡前略讀一下,成效不彰。」以上是我的親身見證與故事,與您分享


大多數人在學習英文的歷程當中,有非常多的字句、單字都是不常會用到的,也因為這樣,而提不起興趣,久久不用就把單字忘光了,其實日常會用到的單字可能 1,000 個都不到,你應該從你真正用的到的字句開始學起


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