「習慣」有時比人際關係與工作能力更重要。許多人與同事互動無礙,工作能力也無不足,但習慣性行為往往讓他們最終失去同事與上司的信任。以下五種習慣,可能左右你的工作甚至升遷,看看自己中了幾項。進入文章前,請先想想下列英文怎麼說: a) 不以為意的 b) 可信度 c) 忌諱 1. A few minutes late is still late. Some people are a) oblivious about being a few minutes late, and they believe others are oblivious to it too. Maybe everyone is late once in a while, but if someone shows up late habitually, even though it’s just a few minutes, people cannot 1) account for the behavior other than he or she is careless. 1. 遲幾分鐘,就是遲到。 有些人認為遲到個幾分鐘不是什麼大事,不會有人注意到。每個人或多或少都因為突發狀況而小遲到過,但若一個人總是習慣性地遲到幾分鐘,最後除了漫不經心,便沒什麼理由可以解釋了。 2. No responds. Never reply the email. As your colleagues wait for your response to the email they sent you 1 day ago, your b) credibility is decreasing at the same time. Even 2) dropping a line to acknowledge people would be better than nothing. 2. 音訊全無 當同事寄Email與你商討工作事項,卻遲遲等不到你的回音。這種情況會讓人直覺認為你不可靠。哪怕只是簡短告知你已收到信,都會比讓對方覺得自己的Email石沉大海要好。 3. Overpromising and under-delivering. Sometimes it’s a good thing to “show off” in Western culture. However, if one person keeps giving a commitment without actually fulfilling it, people might think they are not trustworthy. As everyone knows 3) “talk is cheap.” 3. 承諾過多,達成率過低。 西方社會中,把握機會表現自己是件很好的事,甚至有時稍作誇大也不無加分效果,但若在工作上老是先誇下海口,事後卻老是做不到,旁人便會認為你只是在耍嘴皮子。畢竟大家都知道說比做容易多了。 4. Texting during the conversations. Needless to say that texting or sliding the screen are c) taboos during work, but a lot of people just can’t help it. The messages won’t disappear even if you don’t answer them promptly, but your credibility will. 4. 會談時訊息發不停。 不用說,在會談時不斷滑手機,傳訊息或回簡訊是大忌,但很多人卻「屢試不爽」。訊息不會因為等半個小時就消失,但和你會談的人卻會對你失去信任。 5. Keep on making avoidable mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, but making the same mistakes, or making a mistake that you’ve been specifically told not to, would be considered as stupid and unprofessional. 5. 老是犯可避免的錯誤。 在工作上,犯錯或許是人之常情,但若是一而再,再而三的犯相同的錯誤,抑或甚至「明知故犯」,那便會顯得愚蠢,也會讓人覺得你辦事能力不佳。 口語詞彙 1. account for 解釋 可指對事情做解釋,抑或尋找理由。 I have to account to my manager for all my movements. 我必須向經理解釋我所有的行動。 2. drop a line 寫信 特別指內容簡短的信。 “Line”象徵著 “只有幾個字”的意思。 Drop us a line when you are free and let us know what you have been up to. 等你有空時,記得寫封簡短的信告訴我們最近如何。 3. talk is cheap 說比做容易,說說而已 話語是廉價的,只有行動才有價值。意指耍嘴皮子,光說不練的態度。 My boss said he is going to give me a raise, but talk is cheap. 我的老闆說過他要幫我加薪,但結果只是說說而已。 |